Monday, September 12, 2011

It's The Great Pumpkin, Sugar Krystle!

I have been slacking a bit on the blog front. Which, if I am being completely honest, is what I anticipated would happen when I started this blog, but I managed to convince myself otherwise. So for those (small few) who actually read and appreciate my blog, I do apologize for the let down. If you are a first timer, welcome! I will work harder to keep up so that I don't lose you...

I digress...

A few days ago I posted on my Facebook page that I'd had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season from Starbucks. What's funny is, I only posted this because I'd discovered that the previous year I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latter of the season on the exact same day and I thought that was a bit eery but kinda cool. It turned out most people were not so interested in the spooky coincidence and instead were reacting to the fact that I was drinking a seasonal latte that was traditionally for Fall when technically we are in the heart of summer here in the Northwest. It's true, Oregon and Washington has summer from mid-July until the last week of September (first week or two of October sometimes too, if we're lucky)... and that's all we get. So I most definitely understand their dismay at the thought of me cutting it short. However, I can assure you all that my motives were strictly business! I was seeking inspiration for my "Fall Preview of Flavors" *wink*

So in no way am I trying to jip anyone of the remaining days of summer. By all means, take your time! But when you're ready, I have a running list of festive cupcakes on deck the harvest months, beginning with what started this whole uproar in the first place - Pumpkin Spice Latte!

pumpkin spice cake w/ pumpkin spice espresso buttercream

My taste tester happened to not be a fan of coffee and still really liked this one, which for me, is quite the compliment. When you all are ready, you can try it too!
place an order via email: 

More seasonal goodies to come so be on the lookout!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hot Tamale

Since starting my new endeavor, I've been getting all kinds of ideas for different flavors to try! Andrew,(that's my boyfriend, for those who don't know) has been asking me for the past two weeks to take a stab at a Hot Tamale cupcake. I was not all that excited about this one, but I lovingly wrote it down on my list... towards the bottom!
Oddly enough, a friend just recently left me a note on Facebook suggesting aHot Tamale cupcake as well and if I didn't know any better I would have thought the two of them were in cahoots! But since then my wheels have been turning and I decided to oblige them both and make an attempt. So here is my first test run of a Hot Tamale cupcake, and I must admit, it's not too shabby!

We have here a vanilla cake with crushed Red Hots candies mixed in, and a red hot buttercream for which I used a homemade Hot Tamale simple syrup and crushed Red Hots candies. 

I guess it could be called a Red Hot cupcake, but I think Hot Tamale is little more sassy! :)

That will probably be all of the experimenting I'm able to do this week as I will be preping for my first day at the Wilsonville Thursday Market! More to come on that... stay tuned ;)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Summer time has finally hit the Northwest and I could not be happier! The sunshine and blue skies always takes me back to my childhood days of summer vacation. I just feel so footloose and fancy free!

One of my favorite things about the summer as a kid was the ice cream man! I think I'd be hard pressed to find someone who would disagree! There is just something about that jingle that triggers a level of excitement that is unmatched! Eddie Murphy says it best, "there is truly something about the ice cream truck that will make a kid stop in his tracks and just lose it!" It's true!

I heard that peppy little ice cream truck jingle outside my window earlier this afternoon and it was immediately followed by joyous pandemonium! I imagine those kids could be heard from miles around cheering for the ice cream man and yelling for their parents to hurry outside with money for them to buy their frozen treats! It put a smile to my face, for one, because it took me back to the Eddie Murphy ice cream truck stand up skit. But also, I just remember that feeling of excitement. It got me thinking about my favorite frozen treats and I'd say, up there towards the top of my list is the Nestle's drumstick!

I just love those things... they're perfect! For starters, who doesn't enjoy a good waffle cone? (I believe these cones are sugar, but still tasty.) You have the ice cream of course, then the chocolate and the salty peanuts. It's like a hot fudge sundae you can hold and eat with one hand!!.... I tell ya, it really is the simple things in life that bring me joy!

So, in keeping with summer, the drumstick and of course, cupcakes, I have created a Drumstick cupcake!

We have here a yellow cake with vanilla buttercream covered in chocolate ganache and rolled in crushed peanuts! What do think? Would you like to try it? Send an email to or just leave me a note on the Facebook page!

Happy summer everyone!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Haphazard Inspiration

I started this blog a few weeks ago, but have not posted anything yet. I kept thinking I should use this as an introduction for me and my new business, but I have yet to find all the right words... Lately, I am discovering there are many great lessoned to be learned through my new experience and I have decided I will use this blog as my medium to share them with you!

Today, I was inspired in the most fortuitous way that led me straight to the kitchen! Since my focus right now is cupcakes, I used my inspiration to create... cupcakes!

The first of my haphazard inspiration came this morning when one of my fellow friends from the Northwest was pleading on her Facebook page for summer to arrive! Given that tomorrow is the first of July, I would say this is a reasonable request. Therefore I decided to create a little edible sunshine! So here is Sugar Krystle's "summer peach" cupcake!

This a vanilla cake with fresh peach buttercream!

I was also inspired by a new T-shirt I bought the other day off of the clearance rack at Old Navy!
Here is the shirt:

and here is the cupcake!

Cherry "cocoa" cola cake with cherry buttercream!

The lesson in this for me is to keep my eyes open at all times, because you just never know where you'll find inspiration!
If you are interested in tasting either of these cupcakes, they will be added to "Sugar Krystle's" menu! Place an order anytime via email,